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What if Kim Jong-Un threw the atomic bomb he is threatening to throw?

“It could be the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb in the Pacific” Mr Ri told reporters at the United Nations in New York.

If Kim Jong-Un would threw the atomic bomb he is threatening to throw, the counterstrike should take less than 30 minutes, the time the bomb would take to reach the United States. Donald Trump would  have to take 4 steps if he wanted to counterattack: This 4 steps would take 5 minutes for terrestrials and 15 minutes for submarines, people who would launch the bomb.

The “football” would be used. Every President from a nation has a black satchel, it must be opened only in case that the president of the nation allows to. If the president would give the order to open it, commanders should read the instructions inside this briefcase and obey the orders.

If the President wanted to counterstrike, would be obliged to warn 2 people, and receive advise from them:
    • Secretary of Defence, Jim Mattis
    • Strategic Commandant
If this two people agreed, they would give orders and codes that must be inside the briefcase. The president has a target he must wear always, called The Biscuit. It has codes that need to be introduced into a machine combined with some codes only known by the President.

Give advise to the Throwing Team: they don’t have any option and must do what the president says.

Joseph Cirincione President of the Ploughshares Fund “The president can order a nuclear strike in about the time it takes to write a Tweet”.

Atomic bombs are prohibited by an international law, but the speed of this action, wouldn’t give time to stop one from being thrown.

But… What would be the consequences of an atomic bomb?

If the bomb detonated in the Pacific:

Firstly, it would provoke lots of enormous waves, causing tsunamis that would attack the nearest  coasts.
Secondly, it would appear a shock wave expanding in a vertiginous speed and detaching lots of particles. This, would cause the death of all the marine species around the area.
In third place, the radioactive rain.
In forth place, the food (mainly marine) would be contaminated, causing illnesses in the consumers.
In fifth place, the psychologic consequences, changing their routines and habits to adapt the new ecosystem and radioactive risks.
In sixth place, it would cause an increase of heat around the world, provoking more consequences caused of the global warming.
In seventh place, would cause fire in lots of points around the world and could be uncontrolled.

According to Neil Halloran (expert in data display), and because of the effects explained previously, it would kill more or less 500 million people during the first 3 weeks.

