Let's suppose that we were able to tie an indestructible rope from the moon and let it hang in the earth surface. The attachment can’t be torn from the moon's surface. So, let's see what would happen if we did it. First of all we have to consider that the movement of the moon around the earth is not completely circular, it is elliptical. That means that the rope would be swinging around the earth's surface at different heights depending on the day time. Roses are red, my name is not Dave, we are still writing this article, microwave Tulips are yellow, beatiful is the moon, don't worry my fellow, we will finish it soon...
Welcome little grasshoppers! This is a blog intended to entertain people with hypothetical situations our world could suffer taken from books, films, series, historical facts or scientific achievements. Therefore, this page is divided in three sections (browser on top right): Fiction Section, History Section and Science Section. We got inspired by the Marvel Comic Series “What if”. We wish you to have fun discovering what would happen if...