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Showing posts from September, 2018
Let's suppose that we were able to tie an indestructible rope from the moon and let it hang in the earth surface. The attachment can’t be torn from the moon's surface. So, let's see what would happen if we did it. First of all we have to consider that the movement of the moon around the earth is not completely circular, it is elliptical. That means that the rope would be swinging around the earth's surface at different heights depending on the day time. Roses are red, my name is not Dave, we are still writing this article, microwave Tulips are yellow, beatiful is the moon, don't worry my fellow, we will finish it soon...
What if climate change and pollution end up killing all bees in the world? We, humans, are yet aware of all the damage we are causing in the environment of the planet, causing the sea level rising, extreme climatology, death of species... but we are yet not doing anything about it. And that last thing, the death of species, would have a tremendous effect if that species is the bee. Yellow are the bees, incomplete this still is, the article is a sample, just to make an example. If you want to read it all, you must not make a phone call, just tell us your direction, and we'll take you to the science section.
What if half of the planet population was erased from existence, as Avengers Infinity War proposes? Let's imagine our world, not the fictional one created by Marvel. There are no superheroes to fight the fights we cannot. It is just the normal word we are used to. But, all of a sudden, half of the existence in planet earth disappears. It just vanishes, for no reason. All vanished living creatures have been chosen randomly, with no criteria. So, to put an example there would be half of the doctors in the world gone, half of Americans gone, half of woman in the world gone, half of the dogs from Australia gone. In an approximate proportion, half of everything that moves is gone (not plants, plants are still the same). But maybe you have lost your whole family, it has been chosen randomly. So, what if this happened to our planet? The purpose for this action in the film is to balance the universe, so that people left have more than enough to live, and so that they don't li...
What if I found a dragon egg? (Story format) Everything started a few weeks ago... Me and my family went to the mountain on a mushroom search, and at the end of it I found a strange rock. It was coloured with cyan and white tones, and without any doubt I took it to my house. After two days the rock made a move but I didn’t really care about it. Then the same night the I heard a weird noise in my room, and I was sure it wasn’t a fly or a mosquito doing his beep. I found out that the sound came from the rock. It was starting to crack.  When the thing that was inside finally broke the supposed rock, it made a little roar. I saw it, it was a kind of reptilian head I had never seen before. I grabbed the rock and put it on the closet. Before starting to find out what was that, I grabbed some food leftovers from the dinner. I thought that if it was a new born he or she must be hungry. I gave the food to the creature and I started to make a little research about it. I called...
What if Kim Jong-Un threw the atomic bomb he is threatening to throw? “It could be the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb in the Pacific” Mr Ri told reporters at the United Nations in New York. If Kim Jong-Un would threw the atomic bomb he is threatening to throw, the counterstrike should take less than 30 minutes, the time the bomb would take to reach the United States. Donald Trump would  have to take 4 steps if he wanted to counterattack: This 4 steps would take 5 minutes for terrestrials and 15 minutes for submarines, people who would launch the bomb. The “football” would be used. Every President from a nation has a black satchel, it must be opened only in case that the president of the nation allows to. If the president would give the order to open it, commanders should read the instructions inside this briefcase and obey the orders. If the President wanted to counterstrike, would be obliged to warn 2 people, and receive advise from them: Secretary ...
What if Hitler had won the 2nd would war? We all know that Hitler lost the 2n world war, but, what if the nazi empire had won the such war… It all would have started at the disembarkation of Normandy, E.E.U.U soldiers would have arrived to French with the objective of destroying the nazi empire. Hitler would have stopped the soldiers from E.E.U.U and would have recruited the left soldiers from E.E.U.U that didn’t die for his troops. Not many would have joined, so a lot of them would have died before betraying it's country. From now on we are supposing Hitler won the disembarkation of Normandy battle, and as a consequence he would have won the 2nd world war. This strategy made the Hitler army the most powerful of the world. The war finished with the conquest of all Europe and Nord-America by the nazis, making early agreements with other dictatorships in Europe. Now Hitler could carry out his ideas and plans. First he expanded the concentration camps for all Europe. H...